What is it about South Carolina rescue dogs?  Really, what are the odds that the two-legged owner would have scoured the Internet for dogs in need, on two separate occasions and found her dream dogs from the same state?  Much less, that their forever home would be thousands of miles away in Vermont.  Must have something to do with Southern Charm.

And, charming they are.  Ginger and Sally are inseparable.  Together, they are better.  Sure, their favorite foods are different — Ginger loves hamburger meat and Sally’s snack of choice is cheese dropped on the floor –- think about it, together they love cheeseburgers.  If Ginger was a toy, she’d be a doll and Sally would be a blanket, together they are the perfect napping accessories.  They even get into trouble together sneaking into the garden and oh, yeah, that unfortunate incident about eating the chickens (although Ginger did look a tad more guilty…)

Together, they also agree that their favorite spot is as close to Mom and Dad as they can get.  They traveled so far to get near them, from that long drive up the Interstate to the rolling hills of Vermont, they are not about to let them get far.

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, and filling an
emptiness we didn’t ever know we had.” – Thom Jones


About the piece: A collage of vintage children’s books fill the background of this pallet.  Each layer was scraped away to reveal a bounty of love.  Painterly details and crayons highlight their warm fur to reveal the richness they’ve brought to this home.