Clover Time


A study in green energy

Clover became part of the home at the happiest of times and the saddest of times.  As the family celebrated gratitude for all they have been given, they also dealt with death and loss.  Throughout, Clover remained a steadfast source of comfort, quietly exchanging her own gratitude while petitioning for routine: eat, love, walk.

Fun and funny, she exudes a gentle energy with a light touch and delicate movements.  To “live in Clover,” means to live a carefree life of ease, and comfort.  

Juxtapose this to a year of a worldwide pandemic, climate woes, economic setbacks, racial injustice, political division, and a furthering of divisive disinformation.  Yet, through the whole of it, Clover radiates affection.  Inspiring a different way to be present. Perhaps this makes her a good teacher for all of us…May we learn from her lessons.

About the piece:

Clover is a study in green energy.  Green symbolizes the natural world and is renowned for its calming effect.  Meant to be fun and funny, like her, it features painterly details over image transfer.  

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