Big eyes, big ears, and bigger heart, Cody touched the lives of all he met.  And he met a lot—especially on his journeys. There wasn’t an adventure imagined that Cody wouldn’t want to take on. Always ready to go, no matter how long the flight. Boarding houses, be damned.

The travel, the memories, and the stories were always enhanced with him in it.  His two-legged’s could have filled a book with them.  And what a beautiful book it would be. But what would he have wanted on that last page? Something profound for sure. Something we know deep down: like about how half of everything we think, feel, or do in a day is unimportant. All that matter are those things that honor and share love.

He is missed every day. As Taylor Swift sings, “Hold on to the memories and they will hold on to you.”


About the piece:  Cody’s image was transferred on to a birch panel and surrounded by a mosh of Asian-inspired colors.  The look was achieved by texturing tissue paper, building with matte-medium, highlighting with black acrylics and applying gold leaf.  He stares out at us as if inspiring an ancient dream, which is where he will always live.