Eli and Blondie

Once the shock of Blondie’s arrival was dealt with, Eli quickly became the Jedi instructor, looming large over the household territory.  He coached Blondie on the best nap spots, the best place to hid (under the bed) and it is speculated he even shared his special technique for flashing puppy dog eyes.  The flash that will get lap time, treats, and a pet from Mom.  Together, their flowery personalities can cajole water from stone.

What Eli says goes.  This might result in the replacement of food bowl positions or requesting all the attention from visitors while Blondie hides.  But Blondie does not mind, just as long as they both end up in Mom’s bed by morning.

Dogs will take all the love we have to give and in return, fill us up with so much more.  That Mom found Eli and Blondie and they found each other was a destiny where all three fill an emptiness they never knew they had.


About the piece:  Hipster wallpaper background with white spray paint blotches serve as a background for the two image-transferred faces of Eli and Blondie.  Soft, colorful acrylics are used to make the painting pop.