




The Orbit

The Orbit

Dear Mom- Although we all arrived into your arms through different paths, your patience and devotion had the same results.  You created one family—indivisible, with you as the sun and us as the planets that revolve around you. This solar system feeds on the energy we...

Jonah Dreams

Jonah Dreams

Scientists tell us that dreams are the result of neurons firing at random memories during sleep. Our Sapien brains react by doing what we do best: we make up a story. We dream. However, their explanation takes all the magic away, doesn’t it?  And we need magic the...

Cody Adventures

Cody Adventures

Big eyes, big ears, and bigger heart, Cody touched the lives of all he met.  And he met a lot—especially on his journeys. There wasn’t an adventure imagined that Cody wouldn’t want to take on. Always ready to go, no matter how long the flight. Boarding houses, be...

Kuma’s Beach

Kuma’s Beach

To Kuma's Family- Judging from how much Kuma loves beach walks, we’re pretty sure his birthstone is a seashell.  He parades up and down sand dunes like a tanker and can be caught staring at the waves as if he was a dolphin in another life. I have loved the opportunity...

Eli and Blondie

Eli and Blondie

Eli and Blondie Once the shock of Blondie’s arrival was dealt with, Eli quickly became the Jedi instructor, looming large over the household territory.  He coached Blondie on the best nap spots, the best place to hid (under the bed) and it is speculated he even shared...

Sophie, Sweetie

Sophie, Sweetie

Sweet, playful, and protective, Sophie above all, wants to please.  She’s the A+ student in her training classes and a model citizen of the local park.  She’ll do anything for Mom and vise-versa. Hard to imagine that at 8 weeks old, when she first met Mom, she already...

Pickles the Licker

Pickles the Licker

Dear Mom and Dad Um, excuse me, for being so blunt, but I have several questions regarding your process for how you decide to spend your time.  I am totally confused as to why I must keep begging for lap time around here.  I mean, really, look at these eyes.  Are they...

Love, Otis

Love, Otis

Dear Mom and Dad- Have I told you lately how grateful I am to be a part of this family?  Lucky is not a strong enough word to describe my current fate.  I love you both to the moon and back. However, that does not mean that there are not some interesting happenings...

Noble Bella

Noble Bella

The family had been searching for a Mastiff-mix puppy at the various northern California rescues for a few months. One day a picture of her litter popped up from a rescue in Grass Valley. "They are going fast," one of the employees warned us. "First come, first...

Skittles RIP

Skittles RIP

Skittles was certainly one of the most entertaining cats. He’d swat at windows, run from his own tail, and, oh yea, he tried to talk.  He did a pretty good job too, managing to call. “mmmmmooooooommmm” when the lady came home. His sister Maggie was his partner in fun...

Ivy and Roses

Ivy and Roses

The bond we share with our dogs is one of the most special experiences we can have.  And Ivy is no exception.  She is a shining example of what unconditional love truly is.  The room lights up when she is in it and heart rates lower.  The smiles she gives and the...

Caliph: In Loving Memory  

Caliph: In Loving Memory  

Sensitive and intelligent, Caliph was a loyal, highly affectionate, and attentive creature, willing, if necessary, to battle for his immediate family.  This included protecting all two-leggeds and the farm’s other critters: sheep, chickens, etc. as well as Pasha....

When Needs Are Met

When Needs Are Met

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for humans starts with the basics: food, water, warmth, rest.  Moving up the ladder: safety and shelter; love and belonging; esteem; self-actualization.  Can this apply to cats?  In Gracie’s case, she has come so far and still growing! This...

Sweet Maggie

Sweet Maggie

Taiwan, a country of 20 million people, is also populated by millions and millions of stray dogs who’ve been fending for themselves for thousands of years. Over generations, the keen, agile breed known as the Formosan Mountain Dog has become well-adapted to the...



Was it the bat ears, the single tooth or the Hanging Tongue Syndrome?  No matter…Wallace’s two-leggeds were smitten at first sight.  It was Muttville who set up the initial video introduction.  They decided immediately this chill, cuddle-craving, quiet, senior dog...

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