To Kuma’s Family-

Judging from how much Kuma loves beach walks, we’re pretty sure his birthstone is a seashell.  He parades up and down sand dunes like a tanker and can be caught staring at the waves as if he was a dolphin in another life.

I have loved the opportunity to get to know Kuma this past year.  Spending time with him is the joy of my week.  Between us, we have explored every sand kernel there is in the Sunset.  There’s so much to see and sniff!

I look forward to many more adventures at Ocean Beach with Kuma by my side!  Cheers for a great New Year.

Best regards,



About the piece: An image transfer of Kuma is placed on a birch panel surrounded by pastel oil sticks.  Bits of old books, tissue and cut up posters are collaged on to mimic sand dunes and blue waters. His image floats on top as if to claim, “My Beach!”