Trickster Marvin

The plan all along was to adopt the perfect tabby/tom in celebration of their new home.  Being efficient parents, they visited the pound early and selected a cat. So as not to upset the new member, the two-leggeds delayed the adoption until the move was complete.  When they were ready, they returned to the pound a second time and Ooops, the cat had been adopted by another. Throughout this two visit process, Marvin, patiently waited in adoption room #5. After spotting this couple on their first round, he made up his mind; he was going home with them no matter what.  Even if it meant using forbidden ancient cat-magic.  With the power of his tail wand, he charmed an old lady to pick up the couple’s first pick. (Spoiled brat will be happy with that cooing old spinster anyway, he rationed.) When the couple began their new search, Marvin was ready.  He groomed himself and practiced the perfect Nonchalant-I-Could-Care-Less pose. He watched the lady stroll through each room, picking up cat after cat.  He threw an itching spell on one, a mouse-thought spell on another.  From room to agonizing room she strolled, finally finding room #5.  It was Show Time, ready to play hard-to-get.  Marvin immediately turned his head and stared at the wall looking ever-so bored.  He dared peak over at her and GASP she left the room!  But wait; here comes the man…no time for playing coy now, he thought while he jumped into his arms. “Hey honey,” said the man, “what about this one?”  The rest is history.

About the piece:


From Egyptian hieroglyphics to the Book of Shadows, cats’ mystical powers are legendary. Mandala-like shapes depict Marvin’s tail percolating this enchantment.

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