Sweet, playful, and protective, Sophie above all, wants to please.  She’s the A+ student in her training classes and a model citizen of the local park.  She’ll do anything for Mom and vise-versa.

Hard to imagine that at 8 weeks old, when she first met Mom, she already had the maturity of an old soul.  Perhaps one that had pawed this earth before.  It was when they first locked eyes, Sophie and Mom knew they were meant for each other. They were immediately and equally smitten.  Her deep brown eyes communicate a strong and soft language readable by anyone that cares to stare back into that soul.

And what would she tell us?  Probably something important and profound for sure.  Something we know deep down: like about how half of everything we think, feel, or do in a day is unimportant.  That a life worth living is a life worth sharing with the critters we can save.  In the end, we know they’ll save us too.


About the piece:  Sophie’s image was transferred on to a birch panel and surrounded by a mosh of soft and vibrant colors to match her soft and vibrant self.  A deep dark line gashes across the panel, reminding us all that, as a rescue dog, things could have gone a very different way.