Taiwan, a country of 20 million people, is also populated by millions and millions of stray dogs who’ve been fending for themselves for thousands of years. Over generations, the keen, agile breed known as the Formosan Mountain Dog has become well-adapted to the country’s uneven and thickly forested terrain.  This adaption has increased their abilities to forage for food and avoid danger.  They are direct descendants of the first canines that ancient humans let into their camps 15,000 years ago.  Due to cultural differences, these dogs are viewed by some as bothersome, sometimes threatening creatures, who are worth little.  Despite recent laws, these dogs are regularly found poisoned or maimed.

In the face of all this adversity, when nurtured, the breed can be faithful, snuggling companions.  Some are fed by volunteers, some are watched over by angels and find their way to rescue programs, placed in loving homes, far away.  This is how Maggie, the “petting addict with advanced begging skills,” found her way to California at the age of four.

Once her Mom and Dad were approved to adopt, the agency selected Maggie for her calm nature.  She adapted quickly to her new pack creating a tight-knit family of 3 sharing a love of hiking, a fondness for cuddling and a good game of food scrap chasing. She seems to have a calming effect on everything around her, with a sweet demeanor, addicting to all.

What a strange transition to go from worthless stray to equal member of a family.  If you look closely, you’ll see the lessons she learned from her haunting past has translated well to her new environment.  Running through the rough terrain of Taiwan equates to her new love for hiking.  Old skills learned from scrounging for scraps in the streets convert to new endearing games traded for treats with her new two-leggeds.  It’s clear that the angels who watched over her, never really left.


About the piece:  Bold colors were chosen to represent Maggie’s empowered nature.  The mandala symbols at the peak of her ears highlight her third-eye like markings.  Collaged in the back is a calming scene of flowers emphasizing her sweet nature.  Central, are two image transfers meant to represent the shadowy angels of her past, always present.