Dear Mom-

Although we all arrived into your arms through different paths, your patience and devotion had the same results.  You created one family—indivisible, with you as the sun and us as the planets that revolve around you.

This solar system feeds on the energy we feel for you.  Sure, we love being fed and adore play time.  But witness what happens when you must leave us for some stupid errand. The house becomes quiet.  We finally calm down. Silence hits. Thoughts that you may never return slowly creep into our collective minds.  What could she be doing?  Is she out walking other dogs?  Playing with other cats?  Even though we are sleeping, our ears raised at every passing sound. Until, finally, the click, clack combination convinces us it’s really you, coming home.

SHE’S RETURNED!  Let the meteor shower begin!  Whoosh goes the combustion of the whirling tails and spinning murmuration of thunderous paws to greet you. Even Fraya, who sometimes plays hard-to-get, can’t deny being overjoyed. Never has there been such a glorious moment.  Treats for all!

Thank you.  Thank you, Mom, for bringing us all together.


Odin, Fraya, and Jaz

ABOUT THE PIECE: Photoshop madness brings together all three critters into a retro-inspired universe.  Using image transfer techniques, the product was printed onto a birch panel.  Painterly details set the sparkles.